Geriatrics and Healthy Living
Due to excellent advancements in health care in the past few decades, Kerala is now facing a major demographic transition. With people living much longer than before, older adults have multiple chronic illnesses and complex healthcare needs. Health care of the older person requires a holistic and integrated approach. KIMSHEALTH Department of Geriatrics and Healthy Living aims to provide comprehensive care for older adults, with special attention to geriatric issues such as problems with mobility, falls, memory impairment, and incontinence. We aim to help older adults stay independent, healthy, and live fulfilling lives in the community.
Our Doctors

Dr. Ramesh Kumar G
Senior Consultant - Elderly Medicine
Geriatrics and Healthy Living

Dr. Athul Vyas V
Specialist & Associate Coordinator
Geriatrics and Healthy Living
Due to excellent advancements in health care in the past few decades, Kerala is now facing a major demographic transition. With people living much longer than before, older adults have multiple chronic illnesses and complex healthcare needs. Health care of the older person requires a holistic and integrated approach. KIMSHealth Department of Geriatrics and Healthy Living aims to provide comprehensive care for older adults, with special attention to geriatric issues such as problems with mobility, falls, memory impairment, and incontinence. We aim to help older adults stay independent, healthy, and live fulfilling life in the community. By focussing on “what matters most” to the patient, comprehensive geriatric care plans tailored to the specific needs of the older patient will be provided. KIMS Health Trivandrum is an accredited “Age-Friendly Health System” which makes it a 1 stop center for all the healthcare needs of the older patient.
If you are 65 years and above with any of the following problems, you are likely to benefit from a comprehensive geriatric consult;
- Multiple Chronic Illnesses
- Memory Impairment
- Recent Falls
- Urinary Incontinence
- Recent Weight loss
- Profound general weakness
- Taking 4 or more medications for chronic illnesses
We have a dedicated geriatric team of physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and dieticians who will provide holistic care plans for the older patient. The following services will be available at KIMSHealth Trivandrum Department of Geriatrics and Healthy Living;
- Geriatric outpatient services (Monday- Saturday 9 AM - 4 PM)
- Wellness package for older adults A comprehensive and personalized visit with 1 of our geriatric specialists. Inclusive of health screenings and assessments for memory falls, vision, hearing, medication review, elderly immunizations, bone health, advice and tips on nutrition, diet and lifestyle behaviors.
- Home care/Safe Aging at home for Frail Elderly Program (SAFE) program The SAFE program is targeted at optimizing function and promoting independence among frail older adults who wish to live a fulfilling life in their homes in the community. Medical teams comprising doctors and nurses will make scheduled visits to the older adults’ home and carry out a comprehensive assessment and management plan.

KIMSHEALTH: Your Partner for Geriatric Care and Healthy Living - 2 | Dr. Deepa Alex

KIMSHEALTH: Your Partner for Geriatric Care and Healthy Living | Dr Deepa Alex

Aging Gracefully: Embracing Healthy Living with Dr. Athul Vyas V