Pediatric & Adolescent Endocrinology
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Procedures & Treatments
- Specialist services in the diagnosis and management of children and adolescents with hormonal disorders
- Commonest growth disorders like poor growth and short stature are assessed by screening for thyroid or growth hormone deficiency and hormone replacement therapy provided when indicated
- Expert treatment provided for
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Growth disorders
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Early and late puberty
- Obesity and weight management
- Bone health and calcium metabolism
- Adrenal disorders
- Disorders of sexual differentiation
- Specialty clinics
- Diabetic clinic Evaluation, treatment and follow up of children with juvenile or Type 1, Type 2 and other forms of diabetes. The team comprising of a pediatric endocrinologist, dietitian, diabetes educator, ophthalmologist, pediatric neurologist and psychologist provides state of the art care which includes techniques such as continuous glucose monitoring and insulin pump therapy
- Obesity clinic- offers dedicated multispecialty care involving pediatric endocrinologist, pediatric cardiologist, dietitian and nurse educator for obesity and its co-morbidities like lipid abnormality, hypertension and diabetes
- We evaluate and if necessary, treat children and adolescents with early or late sexual development and other pubertal problems like breast development in boys and menstrual irregularities in girls.
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