The KIMSHEALTH Department of Laryngology is specialized in dealing with the disorders or diseases that are associated with the larynx, also commonly known as the voice box. The disorders may include diseases that affect one’s voice, the upper airway or even swallowing, in some cases. Having been awarded Fellowship in Laryngology, KIMSHEALTH is a proud home to the best doctors to ensure optimum quality care.
Our Doctors

Dr. Ragitha Binu Krishnan
Senior Registrar
KIMS Health Trivandrum
Procedures & Treatments
- Management of voice disorders including voice therapy (like correction of the feminine voice in males and vice versa), surgeries of the voice box (vocal cords) / larynx.
- Laser surgery for cancer of voice box (vocal cords) / larynx.
- Swallowing disorders in neurology/ neurosurgery patients (eg: Stroke head injury, brain surgeries, etc.), head and neck cancer.
- Swallowing assessment by a full-time dedicated swallowing therapist.
- Surgical correction of swallowing disorders.
- Botox injection clinic for voice and swallowing disorders.
- Airway tract disorders (Patients who've got breathing difficulty due to the narrowing of the upper airway).
- Tracheostomy team: for full-fledged care and management of tracheostomy patients.
- Sialoendoscopy - Endoscopy for salivary gland disorders like salivary gland swellings, stones, etc.
- Endoscopic thyroid surgery, open thyroid surgery
- Professional voice care ( voice problems for singers/ actors/ teachers)
- Anti-snoring surgeries.
- Anti-drooling surgery.
- Drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE)
- Tonsil surgery including coblator assisted tonsillectomy, adenotonsillectomy.
Unique facilities:
● Transnasal Esophagoscopy
● Botox clinic for Spasmodic Dysphonia, cricopharyngeal spasm, etc
● Pharyngeal manometry
● Fluoroscopy
● Videostroboscopy
● Laser-assisted laryngeal surgeries (CO2 laser)
● Laser-assisted cancer surgeries of the larynx and tongue
● Coblator assisted surgeries
● Treatment of chronic cough
● Full time dedicated voice and swallowing pathologist
● Diode Coblator,
● Stroboscopy
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