Our Doctors

Dr. Preethi V
Specialist- Respiratory Medicine
Respiratory Medicine

Dr. Vinod B Ganga
Respiratory Medicine
Procedures & Treatments
Our outpatient clinic offers consultation for all respiratory ailments. Also, our speciality services include a Sleep Apnea Clinic (for evaluation of snoring and associated disorders), a Severe asthma clinic, a Smoking cessation clinic (for evaluation of smoking-associated diseases and medical support for smoking cessation), Pulmonary rehabilitation and a Covid wellness clinic.
Outpatient Clinic
- For all respiratory ailments
Speciality Services
- Chronic Cough Clinic
- Difficult Asthma Clinic
- Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Clinic – for treatment planning and transplant listing
- Covid Wellness Clinic
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation Clinic
- Sleep Apnoea Clinic
- Smoking Cessation Clinic
- Bronchial Challenge Test with Methacholine
- FENO (Exhaled Nitric oxide test)
- 6-minute walk test (6MWT)
- Drug allergy testing
Interventional Procedures
- Routine bronchoscopy
- Endobronchial interventions with APC (Argon-Plasma Coagulation), Electrocautery and Cyro
- Linear EBUS TBNA for sampling thoracic lymph nodes
- Radial EBUS with fluoroscopic guidance for sampling small peripheral segmental lesions in the lung
- Flexi-rigid pleuroscopy for evaluation of pleural effusion and talc pleurodesis for malignant effusions
- Endobronchial interventions - Debulking & Stenting
- Sleep Lab Level I with 16 channel polysomnography and MSLT
Other management Highlights
- Respiratory Intensive Care - MDICU and HDU with Non-invasive and Invasive Ventilators
- Bronchial Artery Embolization for hemoptysis - Interventional Radiology
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation including Telerehabilitation - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- VATS (Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery) - Thoracic Surgery