Respiratory Medicine
KIMSHEALTH Department of Respiratory Medicine is regarded as one of the best in Kerala with seasoned and accomplished specialists, providing the highest quality of care. We have advanced diagnostic and treatment facilities for various diseases related to the respiratory system.
Our Doctors

Dr. Chellam V G
Senior Consultant
Respiratory Medicine

Dr. P Arjun
Senior Consultant and Group coordinator
Respiratory Medicine

Dr. Kesavan Nair
Senior Consultant
Respiratory Medicine
Procedures & Treatments
Our outpatient clinic offers consultation for all respiratory ailments. Also, our speciality services include a Sleep Apnea Clinic (for evaluation of snoring and associated disorders), a Severe asthma clinic, a Smoking cessation clinic (for evaluation of smoking-associated diseases and medical support for smoking cessation), Pulmonary rehabilitation and a Covid wellness clinic.
Outpatient Clinic
- For all respiratory ailments
Speciality Services
- Chronic Cough Clinic
- Difficult Asthma Clinic
- Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Clinic – for treatment planning and transplant listing
- Covid Wellness Clinic
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation Clinic
- Sleep Apnoea Clinic
- Smoking Cessation Clinic
- Bronchial Challenge Test with Methacholine
- FENO (Exhaled Nitric oxide test)
- 6-minute walk test (6MWT)
- Drug allergy testing
Interventional Procedures
- Routine bronchoscopy
- Endobronchial interventions with APC (Argon-Plasma Coagulation), Electrocautery and Cyro
- Linear EBUS TBNA for sampling thoracic lymph nodes
- Radial EBUS with fluoroscopic guidance for sampling small peripheral segmental lesions in the lung
- Flexi-rigid pleuroscopy for evaluation of pleural effusion and talc pleurodesis for malignant effusions
- Endobronchial interventions - Debulking & Stenting
- Sleep Lab Level I with 16 channel polysomnography and MSLT
Other management Highlights
- Respiratory Intensive Care - MDICU and HDU with Non-invasive and Invasive Ventilators
- Bronchial Artery Embolization for hemoptysis - Interventional Radiology
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation including Telerehabilitation - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- VATS (Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery) - Thoracic Surgery
Mediastinoscopy - Thoracic Surgery