The department of Neurosurgery at KIMSHEALTH handles some of the most complex cases related to the nervous system. It pertains to diseases and illnesses occurring in brain, spinal cord and even the peripheral nerves. Backed by few of the best neurosurgeons in the country, KIMSHEALTH offers comprehensive care, with a high success rate in cases of neurosurgery.
Our Doctors

Dr. Shajehan S
Senior Consultant
Procedures & Treatments
24 hr neurosurgery services. Consultants available for all emergencies
Dedicated neurosurgical ICU with 6 ventilators & 20 trained neuro nurses
Dedicated Neuro rehabilitation unit
24 hr CT & MRI
PET scan
Dedicated Neurosurgical operation theatre with microscope, endoscope and C Arm
Round the clock sub-specialty back up
Vascular Neuro-surgery
Aneurysm Clipping & Coiling for ruptured aneurysms
AVM management
Micro vascular decompression for trigeminalneuralgia
Brain Tumors
Awake Craniotomy
Meningiama Surgery
Gliama Surgery
Accrestic Neuroma surgery
Disc surgery
Spinal Tumor surgery
24 hr availability of consultants
Decompressive craniotomy
Computer assisted skull reconstruction
Burr holex surgery for chronic subdural hematoma
Surgery for stroke
Hematoma evacuation
Surgery for cerebellar infarcts