KIMSHEALTH Gastroenetrology department is dedicated to the prevention ,diagnosis and management of digestive and hepatobiliary diseases with modern state of art equipment and advanced intensive care units for both adults and children. The human digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal tract and hepato-biliary system, and is responsible for processing food and circulating the nutrition derived from it. The upper GI tract is comprised of the oesophagus (food-pipe), stomach and duodenum, while the large and small intestines and the anus, together, form the lower GI tract.The hepatobiliary system is essential for digestion and it includes liver,Pancreas ,bile ducts and gall bladder. The department offers expert comprehensive high end care for gastrointestinal dissorders and hepatobiliary diseases. Our Gastroenetrologist offers Comprehensive high end care for diseases such as colon polyps, gastrointestinal cancer, jaundice, cirrhosis of the liver, gastroesophageal reflux (heartburn), peptic ulcer disease, colitis, gallbladder and biliary tract disease, nutritional problems, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), pancreatitis, etc
Our Doctors

Dr. Harish Kareem
Senior Consultant

Dr. Ajith K Nair
Senior Consultant

Dr. Madhu Sasidharan
Senior Consultant
Procedures & Treatments
Diagnostic & Therapeutic Endoscopy Services
A diagnostic endoscopy is an examination to look at digestive system using a long, flexible tube called endoscope. The endoscope has a camera attached to it and it is passed through the mouth, down the esophagus and into the stomach.The pictures are taken during the procedure.
Our state-of-the-art endoscopy services enable us to detect the diseases at an early stage as well as offer the best treatment and care.Our gastroenterologists, along with dedicated nurses bring the best in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy using high-definition endoscopies that are even capable of narrow bend imaging.
Capsule endoscopy is the technology that uses a swallowed video capsule to capture the visuals of the esophagus,intestines,stomach and small intestine that can be analyzed by the gastroenterologist.This technology can be used in the diagnosis of conditions like gastrointestinal bleeding, cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases, etc.
Endoscopic ultrasound is the procedure done by a special endoscope that uses high-frequency sound waves to create visual images of the digestive tract including the pancreas.This technology is useful to diagnose diseases like pancreaticcancer and bile duct stones.
High-definition manometry is done to assess the pressure activity within the esophagus and sphincters and to assess diseases like achalasia.We have a fully equipped motility study lab for routine esophageal & anorectal manometry
ERCP or Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography is an endoscopic procedure to diagnose and treat the bile duct (tubes which carry bile from liver to gall bladder) for any stones,tumors, etc.
24 x 7 pH monitoring is performed to detect problems in the upper digestive tract like gastroesophageal reflex disease and it is done by passing by a fine tube down through to reach the esophagus and a tiny meter is attached to calculate the amount of acid there.
24 x 7 GI bleed care is provided by expert doctors and trained nursing team. They deliver comprehensive care with round-the-clock endoscopic services to treat the patients’ GI bleeding.